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ComfiCore Cot Mattress in a Box by Babyrest

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Natural Lambskin Rug by Babyrest

Handy Spray Sanitiser 100ml Alcohol Free by Babyrest


This handy mist spray sanitiser is packed with utmost protection. Killing 99.99% of germs, fast drying, antibacterial, and leaves your skin feeling clean and refreshed. Effective on hands, and surfaces.
One for baby's bedroom, one in the car, and one in the nursery bag, keeping you protected at all times.

Availability: In stock

Contains emollients and skin conditioners that leave the skin feeling clean and refreshed
Manufactured in Australia, using 70% Ethanol
Effective on hands, and surfaces
Handy 100ml bottle size: one for the car, handbag, nappy bag, and baby's room